Shunyata unanimous choice in Alpha-Audio speaker cable test

For anyone who is still harbouring doubts about the quality of Shunyata Research’s speaker cables, this fantastic test by Alpha-Audio should lay those to rest. The Venom-X was a unanimous top 3 choice in both blind listening tests and in measurements for all three judges.



“Shunyata claims to use ultra pure, certified copper. And yes: they do. The conductivity is by far the best in this test. And it doesn’t stop there. The cable also has the lowest capacitance, quite low inductance, very low resistance and scores the best with the 20 kHz square wave where we really see a square wave. Very impressive.”

“In the speaker response measurement the Shunyata scores the cleanest: at the top and flattest of all (almost no oscillations). It is – according to your author – really very impressive what Shunyata has achieved with the Venom X speaker cable. Yes: you pay a serious amount, but you really get something.”

“We immediately agreed that this cable brings a lot of balance to this system. Everything is just right. Yung writes, “Bassss…! And the piano sounds beautifully full!”
